

Gainsborough Plate

Congratulations to Lords & Ladies (Steve Lynch, Paul Dolphin, David Hill, Trevor Southam) winners of the Leslie Dodds Cup for 2023, defeating White Rabbits in the final.


Selfridges Pairs – Online Event Cancelled

Regrettably the second attempt to hold the 2023-24 Selfridge Pairs, online via RealBridge on 3rd June, has also had to be abandoned because of insufficient participation (and recent withdrawals). Those who entered have been informed.


Leslie Dodds Cup

Congratulations to ICL (Peter Langford, Charlie Palmer, John Coleman, Mark Davies), winners of the Leslie Dodds Cup for 2023, defeating Buttons 'B' in the final.


Online Summer Handicap – not this year

Regrettably there will no Online Summer Handicap teams event this year.

Whilst there were enough entrants they were almost entirely from Division 1, thereby removing any sensible application of the handicap adjustment and leading to a rerun of the winter competition. We plan to invite teams again next year and hope for a better mix.


Selfridges Pairs: Monday 3rd June

Reminder:the rearranged Selfridges Pairs will be held RealBridge on Monday 3rd June. See the full details (also menu left).


Online Summer Handicap

We are again holding an Online Summer Handicap teams event.

This will be a friendly event, with shorter matches, no Masterpoints, against teams from different divisions, people whom you might well not have played previously. The event will be run by Mark Hutton, there is no fee to enter but first prize is free entry to the 2024-25 League!

If you would like to take part please submit your entry by Friday 10th May 2023 to . The fixtures will be released over the following weekend for teams to arrange matches.

Please note the Committee may refuse entry to teams who have not completed their LBHCBA 23/24 league matches.

Format of the event


Selfridges Pairs – Cancelled

We regret to say the 2023-24 Selfridge Pairs planned for next Monday, 11th March, has been abandoned due to insufficient participation. The few pairs who entered have been informed.

It is hoped to hold an online pairs event later this year, provisionally on Monday 3rd June.


Selfridges Pairs

The Selfridge's Trophy is on RealBridge on Monday, 11th March 2023. See link left for details and entry instructions.

Note: this year the event is co-ordinated by Peter Cogliatti.


Philip Watson

It is with sadness that we learn of the death of Philip Watson last month. Philip was a committed supporter of the LBHCBA, through the Livesey team and serving on the LBH committee for many years. Even after standing down he retained his role as organiser of the SURDOC and Selfridges events.

Peter Cogliatti will take over the organisation of this season's Selfridges Pairs.


Leslie Dodds Cup & Gainsborough Plate

The draw has been made for the next rounds in both the Cup and Plate.

18-Nov: The first round is now complete and the draw below has been updated.

Leslie Dodds Cup
Bye v Buttons 'A'
Habeas Corpus v CMS Alumni
Wanderers v ICL
Stock Exchange v Bye
Bye v Buttons 'B'
Lavender Blue v RAC Elite
London Underground v RAC Morgan
Civil Service v Bye
Gainsborough Plate
Balliol Alumni v Bye
Home Office v Canary Wharf
White Rabbits v RAC Seven
Bye v TFKH
Livesey v Bye
Lords & Ladies v RAC Spitfire
KPMG v RAC Rolls Royce
Bye v Nuthurst

Details from the menu, left.



Congratulations to Buttons 'B' (Bill Linton & Tim Pelling, Dean Swallow & Carlos Dabezies) winners of the 2023-24 SURDOC.

Buttons B+5+16+10-7+3+19+22+68
Civil Service-5-8-12+2+18-1+18+12
Stock Exchange-16+8-1-4-6+11+17+9
Livesey Old Boys-10+12+1+7-3-4-6-3
White Rabbits+7-2+4-7-15-1+3-11
London Underground-3-18+6+3+15-13-4-14
Canary Wharf-19+1-11+4+1+13-12-23
Roehampton Diamonds-22-18-17+6-3+4+12-38

IMP scores link to match details (BBO Vugraph display); hover over team name for players' names.

Results are also available on RealBridge.


SURDOC Teams & Selfridge's Pairs

The SURDOC Teams on 2nd October on RealBridge is still open for entries. See left for full details.

The 2024 Selfridges Pairs has been moved to RealBridge (from BBO) and will be a day earlier than previously advertised, now on Monday, 11th March 2024.


Details of the 2023-24 season are available left; 27 teams compete in the League, 24 in the Knockouts.

AGM Wednesday 6th September, 6pm online via Zoom

  1. Opening and report by Chair
  2. Apologies for absence
  3. Approval of the minutes of 2022 AGM
  4. Matters arising from 2022 AGM
  5. Treasurer's report
  6. Election of officers and committee
    1. Chair: Mark Hutton
    2. Secretary & Vice Chair*: Andrew Kisiel
    3. Treasurer: Peter Cogliatti
    4. Committee Members: Chris Chambers, Marina Chaning Pearce, Alex German, Bill Linton
  7. There have been some minor changes to our Constitution since it was passed at the 2021 AGM. A few typographical errors were corrected but those of consequence reflected the adoption of online play and updating of source EBU templates. For example, not restricting teams to 'Central London' (Constitution) and the privacy implications of online logins.

  8. Appointment of auditor
  9. Honour Roll for 2022-23 season
  10. Any other business

* The revised constitutional changes will dispense with the office of Vice-Chair.

Supporting documents

Despite the lack of the Captains' Meeting, an 'old school' approach and a hard copy of the Fixtures sheet may yet be useful.


Online Summer Handicap

The OSH was won Civil Service who overcame the handicap and defeated KPMG by 5 IMPs. Congratulations to Roy Westwater, Mike Bull, Peter Brook and Richard Creamer. Full results: knockouts and group stage.


Gainsborough Plate

Congratulations to Coolhurst (Sandie Grant, Mark Dickinson, Vivienne McNaughton, Robin Kennedy), winners of the Gainsborough Plate for 2022, defeating Lavender Blue in the final.


The 2023-24 Season

Invites to participate in the 2023-24 season will be sent to captains shortly. There are a few changes this year, briefly,


Online Summer Handicap – Knockout Stage

Congratulations to the four teams through to the Knockout Stage of the OSH; Civil Service, KPMG, Lord & Ladies and TFKH – representatives from four divisions.

KPMG (3) play TFKH (2)

Civil Service (1) play Lord & Ladies (4)

Draw and results submission is linked from the menu.


Dates to keep

Wednesday, 6th September
AGM, 6pm, online provisionally on Zoom
Monday, 2nd October
SURDOC Teams, 6.30pm on RealBridge
Tuesday, 12th March 2024
Monday, 11th March 2024
Selfridges Pairs on RealBridge


Leslie Dodds Cup

Congratulations to White Rabbits (Konrad Mau, Andrew Shillam, John Gibbons, Mike Shilling), winners of the Leslie Dodds Cup for 2022, defeating Home Office in the final.


AGM & 2023-24 Season

The 2023 AGM will be on Wednesday 6th September 2023 and is intended to be on Zoom (as opposed to Microsoft Team as previously). Invitations to compete in the 2023-24 season will be sent late July.

As in the past two years we precede the AGM by surveying captains as to the nature of competitions in 2023-24 and details for access have been sent (also linked left). In addition – and linked to the transfer to Zoom – we are canvassing for views on the Captains' Meeting that follows the AGM. Support for this has fallen, no doubt a consequence that it works less well virtually than face-to-face.

As ever the Committee will be guided by the responses.


Selfridges Cup

Congratulations to Robin Kennedy and Vivienne McNaughton, winners of the Selfridges Pairs.

1.Robin Kennedy & Vivienne McNaughton68.89%
2.Ken Kentea & Steve Morley56.67%
3.Peter Hardyment & Malcolm Bricknell56.11%

See full results, courtesy of 'Bridge with Ned Paul' website, from 2022-23 Selfridges Pairs (left) or direct to Ned's site.


Online Summer Handicap

This year's OSH has 13 teams and sees a return to three qualifying groups (linked from the menu-item left). The winner of each group goes through to the semi-finals along with the best second place (based on average VPs per match).


Selfridge's Pairs – Reminder

The Selfridge's Trophy is on BBO on Tuesday, 16th May 2023, closing date Friday 12th May. See link left for details and entry instructions.

Online Summer Handicap

We are again holding an Online Summer Handicap teams event.

This will be a friendly event, with shorter matches, no Masterpoints, against teams from different divisions, people whom you might well not have played previously. The event will be run by Mark Hutton, there is no fee to enter but first prize is free entry to the 2023-24 League!

If you would like to take part please submit your entry by Wednesday 10th May 2023 to . The fixtures will be released over the following weekend for teams to arrange matches.

Please note the Committee may refuse entry to teams who have not completed their LBHCBA 22/23 league matches.

Format of the event


Selfridge's Pairs – Relaunched!

The online Selfridge's Pairs at the end of March was tantalisingly close to viability and its cancellation attracted comments of disappointment. Accordingly we thought with a bit more notice we would have one more try. Therefore, after the end of the season for matches, we will hold the Selfridge's Trophy on Tuesday, 16th May 2023.

Full details are linked left, invites have been sent to team captains.


Selfridge's Pairs – Cancelled as Online Event

We regret to announce that the online Selfridge's Pairs has also had to be cancelled due to lack of interest; those few pairs who entered have been informed.

The committee is currently considering options for a pairs event.


Selfridge's Pairs – Online, Tuesday 28th March

Further to the cancellation of the F2F event below, the Selfridge's Pairs will be held on BBO, 6:30pm on Tuesday 28th March.

Full details are linked left, invites have been sent to team captains.


Selfridge's Pairs – Cancelled as F2F Event

We regret to say holding the Selfridge's Pairs as a face-to-face event has been abandoned due to insufficient participation. The few pairs who entered have been informed.

It is hoped to hold an online pairs event later this month.


Selfridge's Pairs

The annual London Business Houses matchpointed pairs for the Selfridge's Trophy is on Tuesday, 14th March 2023.

This event is face-to-face and will be held at the LONDON MINDSPORTS CENTRE, Young Chelsea Bridge Club, 21-23 Dalling Road, Hammersmith, London W6 0JD. Note that this is a different location for the YC since our least event there (2019).

Full details are linked left.



Congratulations to Civil Service (Richard Creamer & Mike Bull, Peter Brook & Roy Westwater) winners of the 2022-23 SURDOC.

1Civil Service11HAB14WHI12WAN14NAT14BUT11RHE76
2Buttons B17RDI12WAN6NAT15WHI6CIV14STO70
3=White Rabbits12TFK6CIV16STO5BUT15CAN15WAN69
3=Roehampton Diamonds8NAT13HAB16CAN9WAN14FOR9CIV69
6Stock Exchange14CAN5NAT4WHI15TFK20RDI6BUT64
7National Liberal Club12RHE15STO14BUT6CIV4WAN3RDI54
10Canary Wharf6STO17TFK4RHE12FOR5WHI8HAB52
11Roehampton Hearts3BUT4FOR12TFK14HAB0STO17NAT50
12Habeas Corpus9CIV7RHE5FOR6RDI3TFK12CAN42

Detailed results are on the BriAn site and RealBridge.


SURDOC 2022-23

The 2022-23 SURDOC will a Swiss Teams (to facilitate an odd number should that arise) on Monday 30th January 2023. Entries are now invited and full details are available from the link left.


Round 2 Draw for Cup & Plate

The first round having been completed, both draws have been made and neither contains 'either or' fixtures. The play-by date is 30th December.


AGM - Minutes

The minutes of the AGM are now available: 2022 Minutes [PDF].

Of the agenda items, the officers and committee were voted in as described below. Notes were made on duration of matches, acknowledgement of April for pre-agreed fixtures, availability of RealBridge by mutual agreement and that in LBHCBA online play, there are no undos in bidding or play (by AGM vote).


SURDOC – Date Change

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the SURDOC Teams will a day earlier, on Monday 30th January 2023. The event will still be held on RealBridge to facilitate the traditional multiple teams format.