The 2024 Selfridges Trophy for Pairs

A single-session matchpointed pairs for players registered to any company, organisation or club. The event will be of 18-21 boards as the movement allows. Please note prior registration is mandatory; the closing date is Friday, 31st May 2024.

Following the sad death of Philip Watson late last year, Peter Cogliatti is co-ordinating this event.

Date: Monday, 3rd June, 2024
Online: RealBridge
Start: 6:30pm – prompt & online from 6:20pm
Entry:£10 per pair payable by bank transfer
HSBC: Sort Code: 40-06-21; Acc: 71324470
Ref: your name
Note: only after 31st May when the event is confirmed
Registration:For each player please supply
Mobile tel.
Send to:
Tournament Director:Victor Lesk (07804 953460)

For on-the-day emergencies, Peter can be contacted after 5:00pm on and giving details as above. Each entry will be acknowledged, if you do not receive an acknowledgement within three days, please contact Peter.

If you require any further advice prior to the above event please contact .