Privacy Policy for London Business Houses Contract Bridge Association

The Association undertakes to collect and use Team-players' personal data within the rights of its 'legitimate interests' as a membership organisation under the terms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which is effective from 25th May 2018.

The Committee has assessed the Association's rights to have it classified as having the legitimate interests to collect and process members' personal data. The signed copy of this legal document resides with the Secretary.

Why does the Association need to collect personal data from Team-players?

The Association collects personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a membership organisation. The data is used for the sole purpose of the Association's administration and for maintaining connections with the national and international organisations involved in regulating the game of bridge.

The Association also needs to maintain financial records to comply with its legal obligations.

What information is collected?

Data is collected from Team Captains and Vice-Captains at the point (typically annually) at which they register their team with the Association:

These are held on the Association's website in an encrypted format to prevent automatic recovery. The Association asks for a new Team Captain's and Vice-Captain's permission to publish their name and telephone number for use by other Teams for the purpose of arranging matches.

For Team-players, Team Captains and Vice-Captains, the Association collects:

These data items are also held on the Association's website under similar encrypted storage. The EBU Numbers of each Team-player are available online to their respective Team Captain, using a password.

What other information is retained?

Records of rankings and matches played in the Association's competitions are stored and displayed on the website.

After the completion of each season Master Point awards are made by sending files to the EBU. Historical awards of Master Points are kept by the EBU and that information is available to the Association via its password-protected login. From an individual's EBU login, other competitors' Master Point awards are visible.

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations?

The Committee is responsible for ensuring compliance with the relevant laws and regulations. Day to day administration is the responsibility of the Results Secretary who alone is responsible for the Association's database and is answerable to the Committee.

How is the data stored and who can access it?

In addition to the storage on the website, a mirror-copy of the files is stored locally by the Results Secretary. An electronic database contains all the information above: it acts as scoring program and generates the website files. Only the Results Secretary has access to the Association's database.

With whom is the stored data shared?

Results information is passed to the EBU for use in its Master Point scheme. A Team-player can choose whether his/her Master Point awards are published or kept private by logging in to the EBU website and selecting the relevant privacy preferences.

Neither the Association nor the EBU passes a Team-player's personal data to organisations whether or not connected with bridge. The EBU has a privacy policy statement at

For how long does the Association keep a Team-player's data, and why?

Aside from the active year, copies of the database are restricted to a single past year. The data, including any closed correspondence, is deleted after a maximum of two years. Minutes of Committee meetings and of the AGMs are kept indefinitely.

A Team Captain's and Vice-Captain's details are removed once he or she stops being a Team Captain or Vice-Captain. Team-players' details are retained as long as they remain on a Team roster. The Association normally keeps former Team-players' EBU Numbers (they are available from the EBU) to speed matching if a player resumes activity. However, the Association will delete any former Team-player's EBU Number on request.

Historical ranking lists and prize lists are required for archiving purposes and names cannot be removed from them even if a Team-player has died (see below).

What happens if a Team Captain, Vice-Captain or player dies?

When a Team Captain or Vice-Captain dies all data is replaced and contact made through the new Team Captain, as in other situations where the Team Captain steps down. The new Team Captain's/Vice-Captain's details are immediately available on the website offering best avoidance of accidental contact by opposing Team Captains.

The Association does not contact Team-players individually and takes no special actions when a Team-player dies. Results of Team-players are retained as part of the historical record of bridge played.

A Team-player should contact the Results Secretary if they have questions or requests.

Can a Team-player download his/her data to use it elsewhere?

The data held by the Association, even public data, is not readily downloadable. An individual's session data pertaining to the Association (appearing as 'London Business Houses C B.A.') held by the EBU can be downloaded by logging on to 'My EBU'.

A Team-player has a right to know the personal details that the Association holds about him/her. The nature of that data is fully outlined above. The Results Secretary will provide full details of the Team-player's data on request.